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Last updated 6-8-13




litany boder
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The Holy Octave of Consecration to God Our Father


Lord, have mercy.   Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy.  Christ, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy.   Lord, have mercy.

Christ, hear us.   Christ, graciously hear us.


God, the Father of Heaven.                    Have mercy on us.

God, the Son, Redeemer of the World.    Have mercy on us.

God, the Holy Spirit.                              Have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one God.                           Have mercy on us.


God Our Father saved eight people on Noe's Ark.

-Have mercy on us, O Loving Father.

God Our Father decreed that all male babies be circumcised on the eighth day as a sign of His Covenant with us.

-Have mercy on us, 0 Loving Father.

God Our Father manifested Himself to Moses and His children after they completed an eight-day period of consecration and offering to Him.

-Have mercy on us, 0 Loving Father.

God Our Father instituted the eight-day Feast of Tabernacles to remind His children that He was with them, loved them, and brought them out of the bondage of Egypt.

-Have mercy on us, 0 Loving Father.

God Our Father accepted purification offerings from His children on the final eighth day of ritual cleansing.

-Have mercy on us, 0 Loving Father.

God Our Father was glorified when David, the eighth son of Jesse, brought the Ark of the Covenant into the City of David amidst praises sung for the octave upon harps.

-Have mercy on us, 0 Loving Father.

God Our Father heard David's repentant cry played on an eight-stringed harp.

-Have mercy on us, 0 Loving Father.

God Our Father was glorified when Solomon completed the House of the Lord in the eighth month of the year.

-Have mercy on us, 0 Loving Father.

God Our Father filled the Temple with His majesty and came to dwell with His children on the eighth day of Solomon's Feast of the Dedication.

-Have mercy on us, 0 Loving Father.

The Presence of God Our Father was to be approached by eight steps in the new Temple envisioned by His prophet Ezekial.

-Have mercy on us, O Loving Father.

God Our Father was glorified when His defiled Temple was purified and re-dedicated by the Maccabee's during the eight-day Feast of the Dedication.

-Have mercy on us, O Loving Father.

God Our Father made a new covenant with His children, through Jesus, His Son, Who was circumcised on the eighth day.

-Have mercy on us, O Loving Father.

God Our Father revealed His Son Jesus during the Transfiguration, eight days after Jesus fed the multitudes.

-Have mercy on us, O Loving Father.

God Our Father was glorified when, from Solomon's Porch in the Temple, on the eight-day Feast of the Dedication, His Son, Jesus, revealed that He was consecrated to God Our Father and that He and the Father were one.

-Have mercy on us, O Loving Father.

God Our Father was glorified after His Son, Jesus, rose from the dead on the eighth day of His week of Passion and Redemption for our sins.

-Have mercy on us, O Loving Father.

God Our Father was glorified when Jesus showed His wounds to unbelieving Thomas eight days after His Resurrection.

-Have mercy on us, O Loving Father.


Let us pray:

Dearest God Our Father, let us know, love, and honor You through eight days of purification and dedication, as You willed it throughout our Salvation History.  And may The Holy Octave of Consecration to God Our Father and its eighth solemn day, The Feast of the Father of All Mankind, serve to bring all Your children back home to You.

May this be granted through Your Love and the Love of Jesus, our God and Savior; the Holy Spirit, our God and Sanctifier; and Mary, our Mother. Amen.



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